Membership Pricing

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A Membership to Golden Phoenix Grit is the best way to become the stronger, leaner, healthier you!
Our Memberships provide accountability and encourage consistent training which is the best way to see amazing results. We offer membership options to suit a variety of goals and needs.

Multi Person Household Rate/Student


This plan is for more than one person registering for a plan at our facility. This is also our active student rate. Ex: -Spouses register ($125 each) -Parent/Child ($125/each)

GRIT Unlimited


Unlimited Classes 7 Days per week


If you aren’t able to commit to regular training but still love our classes and want the flexibility to come when you want, then class Passes are the way to go!

$5/5 Trial


5 days of classes for just $5 (New members only)



Valid for one class one time

10 Grit Class Pack


10 Classes to Use at GRIT